دکتر مهدی نوروزی

جهت مشاهده رزومه کلیک کنید.

دکتر مهدی نوروزی

Associate Professor mnorouzi@tums.ac.ir Ph.D Molecular Genetics, National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Tehran, Iran , 2010


دکتر مهدی نوروزی



رتبه علمی

Associate Professor


  • Ph.D
    Molecular Genetics, National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Tehran, Iran , 2010
    Thesis Title:Comparative Analysis of Quasispecies /mixed Between HBV Genotypes in Tehran and Provinces of Iran
  • M.Sc

Virology, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran, 1994
Thesis Title:Use of Neutralization Test for Determining the Titer of Mumps Antibodies in Cord Blood

  • B.Sc
    Microbiology, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran, 1989

دستاورد ها و افتخارات

  • Scientific Position:
  • Faculty member
    Department of Pathobiology, Division of Virology, 1994-present


  • English:
  1. Effect of Ammonium Chloride in addition to standard of care in outpatients and hospitalized COVID-19 patients: a randomized clinical trial.
    Authors: Siami Z, Aghajanian S, Mansouri S, Mokhames Z, Pakzad R, Kabir K, Norouzi M, Soleimani A, Yaghoobi MH, Shadabi S, Tajbakhsh R.
    International Journal of Infectious Diseases, Year. 2021,
  2. Molecular epidemiology and phylogenetic analysis of human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 in the tax gene and it association with adult t-cell leukemia/lymphoma disorders.
    Authors: Pourrezaei S, Shadabi S, Gheidishahran M, Rahimiforoushani A, Akhbari M, Tavakoli M, Safavi M, Madihi M, Norouzi M.
    . Iran J Microbiol, Year. 2021,
  3. Comprehensive high-throughput meta-analysis of differentially expressed microRNAs in transcriptomic datasets reveals significant disruption of MAPK/JNK signal transduction pathway in Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma.
    Authors: Shadabi S, Delrish N, Norouzi M, Ehteshami M, Habibian-Sezavar F, Pourrezaei S, Madihi M, Ostadali M, Akhgar F, Shayeghpour A, Pashabayg CR.
    Infectious Agents and Cancer, Year. 2021,
  4. Biologically modified electrospun polycaprolactone nanofibrous scaffold promotes osteogenic differentiation.
    Authors: Abazari MF, Torabinejad S, Karizi SZ, Samadian H, Jalili-ghelichi S, Norouzi M, Askari H, Poortahmasebi V, Enderami SE, Soleimanifar F.
    Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, Year. 2021,
  5. A multicenter retrospective study of clinical features, laboratory characteristics, and outcomes of 166 hospitalized children with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): A preliminary report from Iranian Network for Research in Viral Diseases (INRVD).
    Authors: Sedighi I, Fahimzad A, Pak N, Khalili M, Shokrollahi MR, Heydari H, Movahedi Z, Dashti AS, Cheraghali F, Shamsizadeh A, Mirkarimi M, Alisamir M, Hashemian H, Soltani J, Hosseininasab A, Hamedi A, Rezai MS, Sayyahfar S, Kahbazi M, Abedini A, Akhondzadeh A, Sherkatolabbasieh HR, Razlansari AA, Alibeik M, Malayeri SO, Shalchi Z, Shahabinezhad A, Asl PK, Monfared FN, Maleki S, Kakavand R, Farahmand M, Shahbaz B, Tavakoli A, Rezayat SA, Karimi MR, Erfani Y, Jafarpour A, Soltani S, Zandi M, Ghaziasadi A, Dowran R
    Pediatr Pulmonol, Year. 2021,
  6. Characterization of Occult Hepatitis B Virus Infection Among Iranian Patients with Behcet's Disease; Correlation with Clinical Status
    Authors: Shahram F, Ghorbani S, Mahmoudi M, Akhlaghi M, Jadali Z, Imeni V, et al
    Hepatitis monthly, Year. 2021,
  7. A systematic literature review of current therapeutic approaches for Covid-19 patients.
    Authors: Soltani S, Zakeri AM, Karimi MR, Rezayat SA, Anbaji FZ, Tabibzadeh A, et al.
    Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, Year. 2020,
  8. . Histopathological assessment of protective effects of selenium nanoparticles on rat hepatocytes exposed to Gamma radiation
    Authors: Sohrabi A, Tehrani AA, Asri-Rezaei S, Zeinali A, Norouzi M.
    InVeterinary Research Forum,Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran, Year. 2020,
  9. Phylogenetic and phylodynamic study of Human T-cell lymphotropic virus Type 1 (HTLV-1) in Iran
    Authors: Pashabayg CR, Momenifar N, Malekpour SA, Sadeghi M, Foroushani AR, Rafatpanah H, Valizadeh N, Sabet F, Jazayeri SM, Keyvani H, Rezaee SA.
    Genetics and Evolution, Year. 2020,
  10. Nanotechnology based strategies for HIV-1 and HTLV-1 retroviruses gene detection
    Authors: Mozhgani SH, Kermani HA, Norouzi M, Arabi M, Soltani S.
    Heliyon, Year. 2020,
  11. Phytochemical Composition and Anti-Efflux Pump Activity of Hydroalcoholic, Aqueous, and Hexane Extracts of Artemisia tournefortiana in Ciprofloxacin-Resistant Strains of Salmonella enterica Serotype Enteritidis
    Authors: Khosravani M, Soltan Dallal MM, Norouzi M.
    Iranian journal of public health, Year. 2020,
  12. Evaluation of a Novel Enzyme-Linked Immuno Assay Model to Detect E2 Antigen and Antibodies Against Core, NS3, NS4, and NS5 Antigens of Hepatitis C Virus
    Authors: Kargar Kheirabad A, Nategh R, Shokri F, Razavi Pashabeyg K, Norouzi M.
    Hepatitis monthly, Year. 2020,
  13. Relative Frequency of Blood-Borne Viruses in Hemodialysis-Dependent and Kidney Transplant Recipients in Iran
    Authors: Hatatian F, Babakhani F, Gudarzi H, Momenifar N, Norouzi M, Shafieifar M, et al.
    Iranian journal of public health, Year. 2020,
  14. High prevalence of occult hepatitis B infection (OBI) among healthy children and their parents in Alborz province, Iran; Vertical OBI, myth or truth?
    Authors: Ghaziasadi A, Fakhari Z, Aghcheli B, Poortahmasebi V, Farahmand M, Norouzi M, et al.
    Liver International, Year. 2020,
  15. Ammonium chloride as a potential candidate for the treatment and controlling of Covid-19
    Authors: Kargar Kheirabad A, Nourozi M.
    Iranian Journal of Virology, Year. 2020,
  16. Cytotoxic Activity of Rosa Damascene Mill, Allium sativum, Allium Hirtifolium Boiss, and Prosopis Farcta Extracts on Human Cervical Carcinoma Cell Line
    Authors: Khadem E, Faghihloo E, Mokhtari-Azad T, Kamalinejad M, Norouzi M.
    Novelty in Biomedicine, Year. 2019,
  17. An insight to HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP) pathogenesis; evidence from high-throughput data integration and meta-analysis
    Authors: Mozhgani S-H, Piran M, Zarei-Ghobadi M, Jafari M, Jazayeri S-M, Mokhtari-Azad T, et al.
    Retrovirology, Year. 2019,
  18. Molecular characterization of bacterial, viral and fungal endosymbionts of Acanthamoeba isolates in keratitis patients of IranAuthors: Hajialilo E, Rezaeian M, Niyyati M, Pourmand MR, Mohebali M, Norouzi M, et al.Experimental parasitology, Year. 2019,
  19. Measurement of serum hepatitis B surface antibody levels in Iranian autistic children and evaluation of immunological memory after booster dose injection in comparison with controls
    Authors: Barfi S, Narges C, Pouretemad HR, Poortahmasebi V, Norouzi M, Farahmand M, et al.
    Journal of medical virology, Year. 2019,
  20. A genosensor for detection of HTLV-I based on photoluminescence quenching of fluorescent carbon dots in presence of iron magnetic nanoparticle-capped Au
    Authors: .Zarei-Ghobadi M, Mozhgani S-H, Dashtestani F, Yadegari A, Hakimian F, Norouzi M, et al.
    Scientific reports, Year. 2018,
  21. Molecular evolution and phylodynamics of hepatitis B virus infection circulating in Iran
    Authors: Mozhgani S-H, Malekpour SA, Norouzi M, Ramezani F, Rezaee SA, Poortahmasebi V, et al.
    Archives of virology, Year. 2018,
  22. Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 (HTLV-1) pathogenesis: A systems virology study
    Authors: .Mozhgani SH, Zarei-Ghobadi M, Teymoori-Rad M, Mokhtari-Azad T, Mirzaie M, Sheikhi M, et al
    J Cell Biochem, Year. 2018,
  23. Molecular evolution and phylodynamics of hepatitis B virus infection circulating in Iran
    Authors: Mozhgani SH, Malekpour SA, Norouzi M, Ramezani F, Rezaee SA, Poortahmasebi V, et al.
    Archives of virology, Year. 2018,
  24. Long segment detection of HTLV-1 genome based on the fluorescence quenching technique
    Authors: Ghobadi MZ, Mozhgani SH, Hakimian F, Norouzi M, Rezaee SA, Ghourchian H
    Heliyon, Year. 2018,
  25. Evaluation and Phylogenetic Analysis of Regular Rabies Virus Vaccine Strains.
    Authors: Ajorloo M, Mirzaei H, Sadeghi Y, Tarban N, Soltani S, Mohammadi FS, et al.
    Archives of Iranian medicine, Vol.2018, Year. 2018,
  26. HBsAg mutations related to occult hepatitis B virus infection in HIVpositive patients result in a reduced secretion and conformational changes of HBsAg
    Authors: Sadeghi A, Shirvani
    Dastgerdi E, Tacke F, Yagmur E, Poortahmasebi V, Poorebrahim M, et al.
    . Journal of medical virology, Year. 2017,
  27. Transcriptome analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from chronic hepatitis B and hepatocellular carcinoma patients: a network-based attitude
    Authors: Poortahmasebi V, Alavian SM, Nasiri-Toosi M, Norouzi M, Hosseini M, Jazayeri SM.
    Future Virology, Year. 2017,
  28. Quantum dot-based biosensor for the detection of human T-lymphotropic virus-1.
    Authors: Norouzi M, Zarei Ghobadi M, Golmimi M, Mozhgani S-H, Ghourchian H, Rezaee SA
    Analytical Letters, Year. 2017,
  29. CRF35-AD as the main circulating genotype of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection in Iran: A phylogenetic and demographic-based study.
    Authors: Mozhgani S-H, Ebrahimian SA, Gudarzi H, Jazayeri SM, Jahanbakhsh F, Mohraz M, et al.
    Intervirology, Year. 2017,
  30. Evaluation of HTLV1 HBZ and proviral load, together with host IFN λ3, in pathogenesis of HAM/TSP
    Authors: Mozhgani SH, Jaberi N, Rezaee SA, Bustani R, Jazayeri SM, Akbarin MM, et al.
    Journal of medical virology, Year. 2017,
  31. Investigation of the Relationship between HTLV-1 Infection and MMP-3 Gene Expression in HTLV-1 Positive Cardiac Patients
    Authors: Mohammadhosayni M, Hajighasemi F, Rezaee A, Mozayani F, Mohammadi FS, Tarban N, et al.
    Iranian Journal of Virology, Year. 2017,
  32. Evaluation of INOS, ICAM-1, and VCAM-1 gene expression: a study of adult T cell leukemia malignancy associated with HTLV-1
    Authors: Jafarian M, Mozhgani S-H, Patrad E, Vaziri H, Rezaee SA, Akbarin MM, et al.
    Archives of virology, Year. 2017,
  33. The comparative analysis of the protease molecule structure of the Human lymphotropic virus type-1 (HTLV-1)
    Authors: Habibi Rezaei M, Shafifar M, Rezaee S, Jazayeri SM, Norouzi M.
    Iranian Journal of Virology, Year. 2016,
  34. Molecular analysis of occult hepatitis B infection among Iranian HIV-positive patients
    Authors: Minoo Mohraz, Rezvaneh Jafari, Vahdat Poortahmasebi, Ahmadreza Sadeghi, Mahboobeh Hajabdolbaghi, Mehrnaz Rasoolinejad, Maryam Forooghi, Mehdi Norouzi, Mansour Poorebrahim, Azam Khamseh, Masoud Karkhaneh, Seyed Moayed Alavian, Arefeh Ebrahimian & Seyed Mohammad Jazayeri
    Future Medicine, Year. 2016,
  35. Removal of Pb(II) ion from aqueous solution by graphene oxide and functionalized graphene oxide-thiol: effect of cysteamine concentration on the bonding constant
    Authors: Mohammad Yaria,*, Mehdi Norouzib, Amir Hossein Mahvic, Mostafa Rajabid, Ali Yarie, Omid Moradie, Inderjeet Tyagif, Vinod Kumar Guptaf,g,h
    Desalination and Water Treatment, Year. 2016,
  36. Evaluation of non-viral surrogate markers as predictive indicators for monitoring progression of HIV infection, Eight-year analysis in a regional center
    Authors: Houshang Rafatpanah, Leila Essmailian, Mohammad Reza Hedayati-Moghaddam, Rosita Vakili, Mehdi Norouzi, Mohammad Reza Sarvghad, Ali Mohammad Hosseinpour, Hiva Sharebiani, S.A Rahim Rezaee
    Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases, Year. 2016,
  37. HBsAg mutations related to occult hepatitis B virus infection in HIV-positive patients result in a reduced secretion and conformational changes of HBsAg
    Authors: Ahmadreza Sadeghi, Elham Shirvani-Dastgerdi, Frank Tacke, Eray Yagmur, Vahdat Poortahmasebi, Mansour Poorebrahim, Minoo Mohraz, Mahboobeh Hajabdolbaghi, Mehrnaz Rasoolinejad, Ladan Abbasian, Rezvaneh Jafari, Zahra Fakhari, Mehdi Norouzi, Arefeh Ebrahimian, Babak Geravand, Seyed Moayed Alavian, Seyed Mohammad Jazayeri
    Journal of Medical Virology, Year. 2016,
  38. Mutational analysis of reverse transcriptase and surface proteins of patients with partial virological response during mono and combination antiviral therapies in genotype D chronic hepatitis B
    Authors: Mostafa Mahabadi, Seyed Moayed Alavian, Mehdi Norouzi, Hossein Keyvani, Mahmood Mahmoudi, Seyed Mohammad Jazayeri
    Electronic physician, Year. 2016,
  39. Molecular Assay on Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus in Ticks (Ixodidae) Collected from Kermanshah Province, Western Iran
    Authors: Maria Mohammadian , SadeghChinikar , Zakkyeh Telmadarraiy , HassanVatandoost , Mohammad Ali Oshaghi , Ahmad Ali Hanafi-Bojd , Mohammad Mehdi Sedaghat , Mehdi Noroozi , Faezeh Faghihi , Tahmineh Jalali , Sahar Khakifirouz ,Nariman Shahhosseini , Firoozeh Farhadpour
    J Arthropod-Borne Dis, Year. 2015,
  40. Lamivudine Resistance and Precore Variants in Iranian Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B: Correlation With Virological and Clinical Features
    Authors: Vahdat Poortahmasebi ; Reza Malekzadeh ; Ghodratollah Montazeri ; Ehsan Fakhari ; Mehdi Norouzi ; Azam Khamseh ; Masoud Mahmoodi Karkhaneh ; Ahmad Tavakoli ; Seyed Mohammad Jazayeri
    Jundishapur J Microbiol, Year. 2015,
  41. Prevalence of Blood Borne Viruses Among Iranian Dentists: Results of a National Survey
    Authors: Mohammad Sadegh Ahmad Akhoundi, Nafiseh Momeni, Mehdi Norouzi, Leila Ghalichi, Ahmadreza Shamshri, Seyed Moayed Alavian, Vahdat Poortahmasebi, and Seyed Mohammad Jazayeri
    International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, Year. 2015,
  42. Evolution of hepatitis B virus surface gene and protein among Iranian chronic carriers from different provinces
    Authors: Fatemeh Ramezani, Seyed Moayed Alavian, Ahmadreza Sadeghi, Abolfazl Khedive, Leila Ghalichi, Mehdi Norouzi, Hadi Karimzadeh, Reza Malekzadeh, Ghodrat Montazeri, Azim Nejatizadeh, Masood Ziaee, Farshid Abedi, Behrooz Ataei, Majid Yaran, Babak Sayad, Mohamad Hosein Somi, Gholamreza Sarizadeh, Ismail Sanei-Moghaddam, Fariborz Mansour-Ghanaei, Houshang Rafatpanah, Hossein Keyvani, Ebrahim Kalantari, Mehdi Saberfiroozi, Reza Rezaee, Maryam Daram, Mostafa Mahabadi, Zahra Goodarzi, Vahdat Poortahmasebi, Babak Gera
    IRAN. J. MICROBIOL, Year. 2015,
  43. Incidence of Hepatitis B virus Surface Antigen (HBsAg) Mutations in Naïve Treated of Chronic Carriers from Tehran Metropolis, Iran
    Authors: 49. Keyvani H, Ramezani F, Jazayeri SM, Bokharaei-Salim F, Alavian SM, Montazeri G, et al.
    Iranian Journal of Virology, Year. 2014,
  44. Interaction of removal Ethidium Bromide with Carbon Nanotube: Equilibrium and Isotherm studies. Journal of environmental health science & engineering
    Authors: Moradi O, Norouzi M, Fakhri A, Naddafi K.
    Journal of environmental health science & engineering, Year. 2014,
  45. Prevalence and molecular analysis of occult hepatitis B virus infection isolated in a sample of cryptogenic cirrhosis patients in iran
    Authors: Anvari FA, Alavian SM, Norouzi M, Mahabadi M, Jazayeri SM
    Oman medical journal, Year. 2014,
  46. Hepatitis b virus genotype d is the only genotype circulating in iranian chronic carriers, the unique pattern of genotypic homogeneity
    Authors: M Norouzi, F Ramezani, A Khedive, H H Karimzadeh, SM Alavian, R Malekzadeh, G Montazeri, A Nejatizadeh, M Ziai, F Abedi, B Ataei, M Yaran, B Sayad, MH Somi, G Sarizade, I Sanei-Moghaddam, F Mansour-Ghanaei, H Rafatpanah, MA Pourhosseingholi, H Keyvani, S Shahmoradi, M Saberifiroozi, M Sadeghi, B Geravand, M Daram, M Mahabadi, Z Goodarzi, R Rezaee, V Poortahmasebi, Z Fakhari, SM Jazayeri
    Journal of GHR, Year. 2014,
  47. Characterization of Overt and Occult Hepatitis B Virus Infection Among HTLV-1 Positive Healthy Carriers In The Northeast of Iran; An HTLV-I Endemic Area
    Authors: Maryam Chenari, Mehdy Norouzi, Leila Ghalichi, Abdolrahim Rezaee, Atefe Yari, Seyed Moayed Alavian, and Seyed Mohammad Jazayeri
    journal of medical virology, Year. 2014,
  48. Evaluation of HTLV-1 activity in HAM/TSP patients using proviral load and Tax mRNA expression after In Vitro lymphocyte activation
    Authors: Atefeh Yari; Seyyed Abdolrahim Rezaee ; Narges Valizadeh ; Taraneh Rajaee ; Seyyed Mohammad Jazayeri;Mojdeh Soltani ; Mehdi Norouzi
    Iranian journal of basic medical sciences, Year. 2014,
  49. Hepatic Steatosis: Prevalence and Host/Viral Risk Factors in Iranian Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B Infection
    Authors: Vahdat Poortahmasebi, Seyed Moayed Alavian, Hossein Keyvani, Mehdi Norouzi, Mahmood Mahmoodi, Seyed Mohammad Jazayeri
    Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Year. 2014,
  50. The Pigeonhole of Occult Hepatitis B
    Authors: Payam Dindoost, Narges Chimeh, Blain F. Hollinger, Esmaeil Saberfar, Mehdi Norouzi, and Seyed Mohammad Jazayeri
    Acta Medica Iranica, Year. 2014,
  51. Drug-Related Mutational Patterns in Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Reverse Transcriptase Proteins From Iranian Treatment-Naïve Chronic HBV Patients
    Authors: Mostafa Mahabadi , Mehdi Norouzi , Seyed Moayyed Alavian , Katayoon Samimirad , Talat Mokhtari Azad , Esmaeil Saberfar , Mahmood Mahmoodi , Fatemeh Ramezani , Hadi Karimzadeh , Reza Malekzadeh , Ghodrat Montazeri , Azim Nejatizadeh , Masood Ziaee , Farshid Abedi , Behrooz Ataei , Majid Yaran, Babak Sayad, Mohammad Hossein Somi, Gholamreza Sarizadeh, Ismaeil Sanei-Moghaddam, Fariborz Mansour-Ghanaei, Houshang Rafatpanah, Mohammad Amin Pourhosseingholi, Hossain Keyvani, Ebrahim Kalantari, Mehdi Saberifiroozi,
    Hepatitis Montlily, Year. 2013,
  52. Hepatitis B virus surface protein mutations clustered mainly in CTL immune epitopes in chronic carriers: results of an Iranian nationwide study
    Authors: Khedive A1, Norouzi M, Ramezani F, Karimzadeh H, Alavian SM, Malekzadeh R, Montazeri G, Nejatizadeh A, Ziaee M, Abedi F, Ataei B, Yaran M, Sayad B,Somi MH, Sarizadeh G, Sanei-Moghaddam I, Mansour-Ghanaei F, Rafatpanah H, Pourhosseingholi MA, Keyvani H, Kalantari E, Saberifiroozi M, Judaki MA,Ghamari S, Daram M, Mahabadi M, Fazeli Z, Goodarzi Z, Poortahmasebi V, Jazayeri SM
    journal of viral hepatitis, Year. 2013,
  53. Mutational Analysis of HBs Ag-Positive Mothers and Their Infected Children despite Immunoprophylaxis
    Authors: Azam Ghaziasadi, Seyed Moayed Alavian, Mehdi Norouzi1, Zeinab Fazeli1, and Seyed Mohammad Jazayeri1
    Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol, Year. 2013,
  54. HBsAg Mutants Clustered Mainly Outside of “a” Determinant in Chronic Carriers From Azarbayjan Province, Iran
    Authors: Sajad Shahmoradi , Mohammad Hossein Somi , Mehdi Norouzi , Seyed Moayed Alavian , Hadi Karimzadeh , Ramin Rahimnia , Alireza Namazi , Abolfazl Khedive , Seyed Mohammad Jazayeri
    Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology, Year. 2013,
  55. Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigen (HBsAg) Mutations Are Rare but Clustered in Immune Epitopes in Chronic Carriers from Sistan- Balouchestan Province, Iran
    Authors: Abolfazl Khedive, Ismail Sanei-Moghaddam , Seyed Moayed Alavian , Esmail Saberfar, Mehdi Norouzi , MohamadAli Judaki, Shiva Ghamari, SEYED MOHAMMAD JAZAYERI
    Archives of Iranian Medicine, Year. 2013,
  56. Mutation Hot Spots in Hepatitis B Surface Antigen in Chronic Carriers from Khoozestan Province, Southern of Iran
    Authors: Fatemeh Ramezani, Mehdi Norouzi, Gholam Reza Sarizade, Vahdat Poortahmasebi, Ebrahim Kalantar, Lars Magnius, Helen Norder, Esteban Domingo, and Seyed Mohammad Jazayeri
    Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol, Year. 2013,
  57. Correlation of Hepatitis B surface antigen mutations with clinical status of the chronically infected patients from Kermanshah, West of Iran.
    Authors: Sayad B , Anvari FA , Alavian SM , Norouzi M , Hamzelooie M , Shirvani M , Pourhoseingholi A , Khedive A , Ghamari S , Judaki MA , Jazayeri SM , Jazayeri SM, Sayad B, Akhavan Anvari F, Alavian SM, Norouzi M, Hamzelooie M, Shirvani M, Pourhoseingholi A, Khedive A, Ghamari S, Judaki MA
    Minerva gastroenterologica e dietologica, No. 1121-421X (Print), Year. 2012,
  58. removal of Pb(II) ions by polymers base 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate: Adsorption and desorption studies
    Authors: Moradi O, Norouzi M.
    Iranian Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering., Year. 2012,
  59. prevalence of Hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg) variations and correlation with the clinical and serologic pictures in chronic carriers from Khorasan province, north-east of Iran
    Authors: Ghaziasadi A, Norouzi M, Malekzadeh R, Alavian SM, Judaki MA, Ghamari Sh, Khedive A, Namazi A, Rahim Nia R, Jazayeri SM
    Acta Medica Iranica, Year. 2012,
  60. Identification of Drug Resistant Mutants of HBV (Hepatitis B Virus) by Direct Sequencing in Iranian Patients Treated with Lamivudine
    Authors: Fakhari E, Norouzi M, Jazayeri SM.
  61. Removal of Co(II), Cu(II) and Pb(II) ions by polymer based 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate: thermodynamics and desorption studies
    Authors: Omid Moradi, Behrooz Mirza, Mehdi Norouzi and Ali Fakhri
    Iranian Journal of Environmental Health Sciences & Engineering, Year. 2011,
  62. Removal of P-Nitrophenol and Naphthalene from Petrochemical Wastewater Using SWCNTS and SWCNT-COOH Surfaces
    Authors: Moradi O, Yari M, Moaveni P, Norouzi M
    Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures., Year. 2011,
  63. Identification Of Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigen (Hbsag) Genotypes And Variations In Chronic Carriers From Isfahan Province, Iran
    Authors: Norouzi M, Ghorashi SA, Ataei B, Yaran M, Malekzadeh R, Alavian SM, Judaki MA, Ghamari S, Namazi A, Khedive A
    Iranian Journal of Public , Year. 2011,
  64. Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Variants Clustered Within Immune Epitopes In Chronic Hepatitis B Carriers From Hormozgan Province, South Of Iran
    Authors: Norouzi M, Ghorashi SA, Ataei B, Yaran M, Malekzadeh R, Alavian SM, Judaki MA, Ghamari S, Namazi A, Rahimnia R, Khedive A, Jazayeri SM
    Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, Year. 2010,
  65. identification of volatile oil compounds in two Iranian herbs ZatariamultifloraBoiss. And Origaunummajorana L. and assessment of their antiviral effects
    Authors: Khanavi M, Norouzi M, Tabatabaei H, Salehinodeh A, BarzegarSafavi S, Shafiei A
    Herbal drugs quarterly, Year. 2009,
  66. Set up of analytical methods for evaluation of specifications of recombinant Hepatitis-B vaccine
    Authors: Karimzadeh H
    ، Pakzad SR ، Mahmoudi M ، Ajdary S ، Norouzi M، Akbari M ، Daram M ، Jazayeri SM
    Tehran University Medical Journal (TUMJ)., Year. 2009,
  67. A comparative Analysis of Surface Protein Mutations in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients Who Received Two Different Recombinant HB Vaccines
    Authors: Daram M, Jazayeri SM, Malekzadeh M, MontazeriGh, Alavian SM, Keyvani H, Mirmomen S, Mahmoodi M, Norouzi M
    Govaresh, Year. 2008,
  68. Prevalence of hepatitis c virus antibodies and the risk factors for thalassemia and hemophilia in Markazi Province
    Authors: Samimi-Rad K, Shahbaz B, Mahmoodi M, Norouzi M, FayazVaseghi M
    Journal of school of public health and institute of public health research., Year. 2007,
  69. Molecular Detection of Prostate Specific Antigen in Patients with Prostate Cancer or Benign Prostate Hyperplasia: the First Investigation from Iran.
    Authors: Andonian L, Khorramizadeh MR, Farhud DD, HashemzadehChaleshtori M, HolakouieNaieni K, Razi A, Sanadizadeh J, Pourmand G, Nouraie M, Rezaie S, Saadat F, Yepiskoposyan L, Norouzi M, Soleimanpour H, Berahme A, Aalizade N
    Iranian Journal of Public Health, Year. 2005,
  70. First case of cerebral phaeohyphomycosis caused by Nattrassia mangiferae in Iran.
    Authors: Geramishoar M , Zomorodian K , Zaini F , Saadat F , Tarazooie B , Norouzi M , Rezaie S , Geramishoar M, Zomorodian K, Zaini F, Saadat F, Tarazooie B, Norouzi M, Rezaie S
    Japanese journal of infectious diseases, No. 1344-6304 (Print), Year. 2004,
  71. Facial demodicosis.
    Authors: Zomorodian K , Geramishoar M , Saadat F , Tarazoie B , Norouzi M , Rezaie S , Zomorodian K, Geramishoar M, Saadat F, Tarazoie B, Norouzi M, Rezaie S
    European journal of dermatology : EJD, No. 1167-1122 (Print), Year. 2004,
  72. experimental study of albumin and lysozyme adsorption onto acrylic acid (AA) and 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) surfaces
    Authors: Moradi O, Modarress H, Norouzi M
    Journal of Colloid and Interface Science., Year. 2004,
  73. Study of Lactobacillus as Probiotic Bacteria
    Authors: Nowroozi J, Mirzaii M, Norouzi M
    Iranian Journal of Public Health, Year. 2004,
  74. antibiotic resistance pattern of isolated proteus strains from urinary tract infection
    Authors: SoltanDallal MM, Mirshafiei A, Norouzi M, Zeraati H, Bakhtiari R
    Daneshvar, Year. 2004,
  75. The Effects of Concentration, PH, and Ionic Strength on Lysozyme Adsorption onto AA HEMA Contact Lenses
    Authors: Moradi O, Modarress H, Norouzi M
    Iranian Polymer Journal, Year. 2003,
  76. Determination of the Role of Rubella Infection in Acute Febrile Rash Cases occurring in North, Central and South Parts of Iran
    Authors: Tabatabaei H, Vazirian P, Sarijanloo M, Mokhtariazad T, Mahmoodi M, Holakouei K, SalarAmoli M, Oashia P, Norouzi M, Shahmahmoodi Sh, Esfandiari I, Biniaz A, Farrokhi K, Nitegh R
    Iranian Journal of Infectious Disease and Tropical Medicine., Year. 2002,
  77. preliminary investigation of the prevalence of herpes simplex virus by PCR in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with encephalitis in Tehran
    Authors: Seyedirashti S, Mahmoodi M, Nategh R, Mokhtari-Azad T, Mohraz M, Sarparast A, Norouzi M, Hamkar R, Vaeze-Jallali M, Esghaie M
    Iranian Journal of Infectious Disease and Tropical Medicine., Year. 2000,


  • Farsi:
  1. HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP) versus adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL).
    Authors: Zarei-Ghobadi M, Sheikhi M, Teymoori-Rad M, Yaslianifard S, Norouzi M, Yaslianifard S, et al.
    BMC research notes, Year. 2021,
  2. Investigation of marA Efflux Pump Gene Expression in Ciprofloxacin Resistant Salmonella enteritidis Clinical Strains Using Real-Time PCR.
    Authors: Khosravani M, SOLTAN DALLAL M, Norouzi M.
    Scientific Journal of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Year. 2020,
  3. Mechanism of action and application of virocids in health careassociated viral infections
    Authors: Babak Shahbaz Ph.D. Candidate, Mehdi Norouzi Ph.D., Hamideh Tabatabai Ph.D
    Tehran University Medical Journal, Year. 2016,
  4. identification of volatile oil compounds in two Iranian herbs ZatariamultifloraBoiss. And Origaunummajorana L. and assessment of their antiviral effects
    Authors: Khanavi M, Norouzi M, Tabatabaei H, Salehinodeh A, BarzegarSafavi S, Shafiei A
    Herbal drugs quarterly, Year. 2009,
  5. Hepatitis B Virus Pres2 Mutants in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC).
    Authors: Goodarzi Z, Montazeri G, Alavian SM, Keyvani H, Ghorbanalizadegan M, Daram M, Norouzi M, Jazayeri SM
    Infectious And Tropical Disease Quarterly, Affiliate Of The Association Of Specialists In Infectious And Tropical Disease, Year. 2008,
  6. Prevalence of Hepatitis C Antibody in Patients on Hemodialysis and Associated Risk Factors.
    Authors: Norouzi M, Mahmoodi M, Fayyaz-Waseghi M
    Journal of Arak University of Medical Sciences- RahavardDanesh, Year. 2006,
  7. Reactive Arthritis Or Chronic Infectious Arthritis.
    Authors: Bakhshi B, KhorramiZadeh MR, Badami N, Pezeshki M, Safavi Far F, Norouzi M
    Teb&Tazkiyeh, Year. 2006,
  8. Prevalence of Hepatitis C Antibody in Patients on Hemodialysis and Associated Risk Factors
    Authors: Samimi-Raad K, Shahbaz B, Norouzi M, Mahmoodi M, Fayyaz-Waseghi M
    Journal of Arak University of Medical Sciences- RahavardDanesh, Year. 2006,
  9. Role of Adhesion Molecules in Health and Disease.
    Authors: Alizadeh N, Pezeshki M, Khorramizadeh MR, Norouzi M, Saadat F, Safavifar F
    Teb&Tazkiye, Year. 2004,


  • Editorial Board & Reviewing Activities:
  1. Journal Of Nanostructure In Chemistry
    Editorial Board Member,
  2. Iranian Journal of Virology
    2007- present, Others,Member of Editorial Board


  • Course Teaching:


  • PHD:
  1. Virus Removal from Biological Products
    Students in Medical Biotechnology, Ph.D.
  2. Practical Virus Classification
    students of Clinical Microbiology, Ph.D.
  3. Classification of Viruses
    Students of Clinical Microbiology, Ph.D.
  • M.S:
  1. Viral Immunology
    Students of Clinical Immunology, M.S.
  2. Practical Viral Diagnostics
    2004-present Students of Clinical Virology, M.S.
  3. Classification of Viruses
    2002-present Students of Clinical Virology, M.S.


  • B.Sc:
  1. Practical Viral Diagnostics
    1998-present B.Sc.
  2. Medical Virology
    1998-present B.Sc.


  • Computer Knowledge:
  • Internet and E-Mail
  • Microsoft Office
  • Searching Databases for Medical Information
  • Bioinformatics Utilities


  • Language Skills:
  • English
    Speaking: Good, Reading: Good, Writing: Good


  • Memberships:
  1. Research Center for clinical virology, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
    Activity Type:Others
  2. Iranian Society of Biotechnology
    Activity Type:Member
  3. Iranian Society of Virology
    Activity Type:Member
  4. Representative of Department of Pathobiology in the Innovation Committee at Tehran University of Medical Sciences
    Activity Type:Others

زمینه علاقمندی

  • Research Interests:
  1. Bloodborne viruses & HTLV & HIV
  2. Diagnosis kit
  3. Vaccines
  4. Public Health
  5. University Social Responsibility
  6. NGOs for supporting health research
  7. Non-profit charity activities
  8. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) activities

کتاب ها

  • Farsi:
  1. Atlas of The Rare Diseases of Iran-Rare Metabolic Diseases
    2021, Original
  2. Atlas of The Rare Diseases of Iran-Rare Internal Diseases
    2021, Original
  3. HTLV-1 and Associated diseases
    2020, Original
  4. Guide to Retinitis pigmentosa disease
    2020, Original
  5. Hand book medical virology
    2019, Original
  6. Medical virology algorithm
    2019, Original
  7. Atlas of The Rare Diseases of Iran-Genetic & Congenital Diseases
    2019, Original
  8. prion
    تالیف و ترجمه
  9. Decontamination and Reprocessing of Medical Devices for Health-care Facilities
    تالیف و ترجمه
  10. Microenvironment and cancer genetics Review
    Authors: vahdat pour tahmaseby, mansour pour ebrahim, samaneh mostfavi, masoumeh akbary, donya abazary, mohammad abazary, Mehdi Norouzi
    اول, تالیف
  11. Comprehensive guide scientific-practical materials and equipment for infection control and sterilization
    Authors: Zahra Sharifian, Mohammad Tahmasebi, Mehdi Norouzi, Babak Shahbaz
    2015, Original
  12. Save Lives (Clean Your Hands)
    Authors: Dr.k.Ghazvini, Dr.M.norouzi, A.Khaledi
    2015, Translation
  13. Diverse applications of nanotechnology in biomedicine, chemistry, and engineering
    Authors: omid moradiT ramin shahryari-ghosheandi, hamidreza sadegh, Mehdi norouzi,
    2015, Original
  14. multiple sclerosis & viruses
    Authors: Mehdi Norouzi, Kiyarash Qazvini, MohammadHadi Karbalaei niya, atefeh yari
    2014, Original
  15. Medical Microbiology (Virology)
    Authors: Mehdi Norouzi, Kiyarash Qazvin, Vahdat Pourtahmaseb Bile savar, Jalali Kayani, shahram barfi, Ahmad Tavakoli
    2014, Original
  16. Guidelines for the screening, care and treatment of persons with hepatitis C infection
    Authors: Kiarash Ghazvini, Mehdi Norouzi, Emad Behboudi, Javad Charostad
    2014, Original
  17. AIDS prevention in the dental environment
    Authors: Mehdi Norouzi, Hussein Bkhto, Nazila Jalayer
    2013, Original
  18. Crimean – Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) in Iran and world
    Authors: Mehdi Norouzi, MohammadHadi Karbalaei niya, atefeh yari, maryam chenari
    2013, Original
  19. Medical & Molecular Virology
    Authors: Vahdat Poortahmasebi bileh savar, Mehdi norouzi, PH.D
    2013, Original
  20. Sterilization and Disinfection in Healthcare Facilities
    Authors: Mehdi Norouzi, Kiarash Ghazvini
    2013, Original
  21. Medical Microbiology (bacteriology)
    Authors: Kiyarash Qazvini, Abbas Bahadur, Mehdi Norouzi, Hoshyar Akbari, Mehdi Aganj, Mehdi Kohi, Akram Baghani, davod bordbar, Gholam Ali Azari
    2013, Translation
  22. Crimean – Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF)
    Authors: Rezvan Moniri, Kamran dastegoli, Mehdi Norouzi
    2001, Original
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